All upcoming Trips & Events
Wanna see everything we’ve got planned?

South Downs - Intro to Bikepacking Weekend
An introduction to bikepacking for beginners in the South Downs, including two days of gravel riding, camping and community building.

Lake District - Intro to Bikepacking Weekend
An introduction to bikepacking for beginners in the Lake District, including two days of gravel riding, camping and community building.

Full Day Mechanics School - Summer Gathering Add On
A full day, women-led mechanics school, tagged on to the start of our Summer Gathering in the Lake District.

Gravel Skills Coaching - Summer Gathering Add On
A full day of gravel riding skills coaching, tagged on to the start of our Summer Gathering.

LQBTQIA+ Intro to Bikeapcking Weekend with Emily Chappell
An introduction to bikepacking for beginners in the Peak District for women, non-binary folks from the LQBTQIA+ community co hosted by Emily Chappell. Expect two days/two nights of gravel riding, camping and community.

Women of Colour- Intro to Bikepacking Weekend - South Downs
When: Friday October14th 7pm - Sunday 16th Oct 4pm
Price: Thanks to support from SRAM and Komoot, we’re able to heavily subsidise the cost of the weekend for everyone, and additionally offer a couple of half price tickets for those who find the full price prohibitive. Full price ticket: £100/Subsidised £50
Starting Location : South Downs YHA, Southease, Lewes, BN8 6JS
Tickets: Buy Here
Our Sisters In The Wild festival showed us there's many folks out there who are keen to give bikepacking a go. We heard that kit, confidence, and people to share the adventure with were the common challenges to getting started.
We're teaming up with Vee Lowe, with support from SRAM and Komoot, to host this weekend specifically for women, non-binary and trans people of colour. Our aim is to create an opportunity for folks to try bikepacking in a supportive and fun space with all the gear and support needed to get out on an adventure.
Vee is a "scientist by day, and a cycling enthusiast literally every other minute outside of work". Starting out as a bike commuter, Vee is now a fully fledged bikepacker, taking on trips across Europe, Rwanda, and some epic challenges here in the UK. After coming to two of our previous Sisters in the Wild weekends, we're stoked to have Vee join us to share her bikepacking passion with others.
In small groups of 8-14, we'll start the weekend in true Sisters In The Wild style, sharing skills and tips over campfire, before loading up to head out on our own overnight bikepacking adventure together. We'll ride a mix of on road and off, getting comfortable with our loaded bikes on the dirt tracks of the South Downs before rolling into our camp-spot for the evening.
We've chosen an area close to London to show that you don't need to go far from a big city to have a big adventure. And if you don't have all the gear - don't worry. We can provide many of the essentials, including lightweight tents and bikepacking bags.
Who's this for?
Any women, non-binary or trans folks from POC/BAME communities, that want to share a bikepacking adventure and skill building experience in a fun and supportive environment. This might be your first ever bikepacking trip or you may be coming with some tales to share! We just ask that you are comfortable riding around 25 miles in a day in hilly/mixed terrain, have a bike capable of riding off-road, and are up for sharing a bit of a challenge! There will be some mandatory gear to bring which you'll find at the bottom, but we can provide most of the big stuff.
What's included
Friday night accommodation (shared dorm) in Southease , and camping on Saturday.
Bike loan if you need it
Camping kit and bikepacking bag loan if you need it. Before the weekend we'll share a kit list and help to go through what you already have and what you need
Practical , hands-on skill sharing on bikepacking essentials from experienced bikepackers and your fellow attendees. Expect chats on gear, packing, food, route planning and the practical stuff no one talks about (periods? poop? we've got you covered!)
Guided rides on Saturday and Sunday from qualified leaders. Expect somewhere in the region of 40 - 50 miles over the weekend on mixed terrain
A communal dinner on Friday (we'll all pitch in to cook) and a hearty breakfast before we head out on the bikes. We'll kit everyone out with some basic bikepacking grub to cook up for dinner and breakfast whilst at our overnight camp.
Lots of support, cheerleading and cake stops as we share in this challenge together!
The plan
Meeting in Southease YHA on Friday evening (1 hr 15 on the train from London), we'll spend the evening getting to know each other, preparing dinner together and chatting around the campfire (weather permitting!).
Saturday morning will see us up early for a good breakie, before we start to get our bikes and bodies ready for the ride! We'll talk about packing, distribute gear and supplies, and get our bikes loaded up with everything we need for our overnight adventure. We'll say goodbye to the hostel, and set out on a 25 mile-ish ride, taking in a mix of offroad and road in the gorgeous South Downs National Park. There will be hills and probably some pushing! But the pace will be very friendly and there will be plenty of time for snacks and chatting along the way.
We'll roll into our campsite late afternoon, set up our tents together and settle in for an evening of campfire, cooking up our dinners and sharing stories from the day. In the morning we'll get the bikes loaded up once again for our return ride to the hostel with lunch on the way. We'll get back around 4pm, unload our gear and get ready for a return to civilization!
What gear can I borrow
Bikepacking bags - we'll have a range of handlebar rolls, saddle bag and frame bags to borrow
Stoves and pans
Sleeping Mats
What gear to I need to bring with me?
We'll share a proper kit list before, But key things you'll need to bring.
An off-road ready bike (if you have one) - One you are comfortable riding off road (e.g. on dirt, gravel, bridleways etc), and that is in good working order. A MTB or Gravel bike works great. We'd suggest a minimum of 38mm tyres. Full suspension bikes only if suspension can be locked out. We will have demo bikes to loan if you need. Book with ticket.
Sleeping Bag - A 3 season, lightweight bag. We'll have a very limited number of these to borrow - please email us in advance of booking.
A small rucksack - Around 20L, that you'll be comfortable riding with
Spares/tools for your own bike if you're bringing one. E.g. inner tubes,
Headtorch & Bike Lights
Something to eat and drink with
The ride will take in a mixed bag of South Downs terrain, with a mix of offroad and quiet roads. There will be some big hills, and we'll most likely all be pushing our bikes at times! But that's all part of the fun, and the views (and cake stops!) are worth it. Expect a mix of dirt, mud, grass and rocky bridleways. We expect to cover about 50 miles over the weekend.
How do I get there?
Our Friday meeting point is is very close to South Ease train station. Trains from London Victoria to Southease are around 1 hr 15 min.
Car sharing encouraged! Check out the Lift Sharing facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/830374944541156
Got a question?
Drop us an email hello@sistersinthewild.com