All upcoming Trips & Events
Wanna see everything we’ve got planned?

Sisters in the Wild Summer Gathering 2025 (SAVE THE DATE)
Our fourth annual Sisters in the Wild summer gathering, in the UK’s Lake District. Expect two days of gravel riding, skill building opportunities, killer grub, and basecamp fun, surrounded by a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.

Scotland Bikepacking
A 5 day truly wild bikepacking adventure in the gorgeous Cairngorms National Park

Scotland Gravel Camp
Our classic four day/four night weekend exploring some of Scotland’s finest and wildest gravel.

Scotland Bikepacking
A 5 day truly wild bikepacking adventure in the gorgeous Cairngorms National Park

Sisters in the Wild Winter Gathering 2025
Our first Sisters in the Wild Winter Gathering will feature bike rides (for those who want them!), but so much more. This is all about connecting out community. Expect creative workshops, wellness sessions, inspirational talks, gravel skills, mechanics and cosy mealtimes.